Employment vs. Sanity

Academia is hard. Not only in terms of the difficulty of the work that we actually have to undertake – teaching, research, administration, community service…But it’s also a strain on our mental health. It hit me today, not for the first time, that I’m questioning why I’m doing this. To set the scene…I just left…

Academic Consulting

It’s interesting moving from a postdoc at one university, to a postdoc somewhere else. Things you take for granted, or things you just assume are universal, can in fact be very different. In my department at my old university, we were actively encouraged to seek out and take on extra paid consulting jobs in addition to our…

Moving on…

So, after almost 7 years as a postdoc here, it’s almost time for me to move on. I’ve accepted a 3 year postdoc interstate starting in 3 weeks. I don’t know how I feel about it. My contract was coming to an end, and wasn’t going to be renewed due to lack of funding. Industry…